What do emotions mean?
The complexity of emotions. It was pouring rain when I crashed my moped in Thailand. The dirt road was a muddy bog. I was frustrated, this was the second time I had fallen. I grunted as I pulled myself out from underneath the moped. My sister exclaimed “You gotta stay...
Emotions are not Problems to be Fixed
What does it mean to sit with your emotions? Many of us hate being told to sit with our emotions. It feels too big and way too abstract. Our analytical brains don’t know what this really means. We are problem solving creatures and feel most comfortable with doing, but...
Feeling Lost: Understanding Life Transitions
Lost in the Dark of Life Transitions Have you ever watched the sun rise? Do you know that moment just before the sun comes to the surface, where it is still dark and you begin to see a glow coming up from the horizon? And in this moment you feel an excitement building...